Tax credits retreat: George Osborne means to hurt ordinary people, no matter what

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‘The determination of Conservative Government ministers to hurt UK citizens is breathtaking – literally, in the case of the many who have died as a result of Tory policies.

Having been put off cutting tax credits and raiding Universal Credit, Osborne is now said to be considering another attack on Housing Benefit. He just won’t give up, will he?

Meanwhile, Iain Duncan Smith’s supporters are claiming the latest climbdown means the Gentleman Ranker’s position is secure. The secretary-in-a-state over work and pensions had threatened to resign if Osborne had gone through with his plan to increase the Universal Credit ‘taper’ rate.

And there’s nothing more disgusting than smug Tories celebrating.’

Read more: Tax credits retreat: George Osborne means to hurt ordinary people, no matter what

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