‘Thank You, Veterans’

“Thank You Veterans” said the sign out in front of my local Harley-Davidson dealer on Veterans Day. The owners of the veterinarian practice across the street from the Harley dealer are obviously more patriotic: They kept their “Thank You Veterans” sign up all the way to Thanksgiving.

Beginning on Veterans Day and running through Thanksgiving Day there have been stories on the news and during football games about the poor U.S. soldiers we should thank in Afghanistan and the Middle East who won’t be home to celebrate Thanksgiving with their families.

Some churches had on Thanksgiving Day, or had the night before, special services in which the congregations were reminded from the pulpit to not forget to thank both veterans and the troops.

Thank them for what?

Should we thank them for thinking that we still speak English because of their “sacrifices”?

Should we thank them for just getting a paycheck?

Should we thank them for sexually assaulting each other?

Should we thank them for frequenting overseas brothels?

Should we thank them for their drug and alcohol addictions?

Should we thank them for getting taken advantage of by predatory lenders?

Should we thank them for listening to the lies of military recruiters?

Should we thank them for being duped?

Should we thank them for the death and destruction they caused overseas?

Should we thank them for thinking that wearing a uniform gives them a license to kill?

Should we thank them for committing murder?

Should we thank them for accepting reverence from idolaters who worship the military?

Should we thank them for their service when their service is something we can do without?

Thank veterans and the troops? Thank them for what? What in the world should we be thanking them for? Americans have a lot of things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. U.S. soldiers “serving” in some foreign country is not one of them.

The post ‘Thank You, Veterans’ appeared first on LewRockwell.

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