The Beginning of World War III? The Fall Crisis Period Heats Up With NATO Shootdown of Russian Jet

At the beginning of October, nearly two months ago, I wrote a blog entitled, “World War III, the TPP and a New Global Police Force – Welcome to the Fall Crisis Period.”

In it I wrote, “Two months ago, Russia and the US were not basically at war, but today they are thanks to Syria.”

I knew even then that this war was going to heat up. I was also referring as well to what we call “Shemitah Trends.” These were trends that emerged out of my analysis of the Shemitah end-year on September 13th.

I made my call in July and predicted that the fall would see a number of disruptions and crises. People scoffed of course. But, boy, have we been right.

The market has been extremely volatile and dropped over 1,000 points intraday in late August and the third quarter saw major market collapses worldwide. And even more importantly, the refugee crisis and Paris shootings have basically killed the concept of the EU. The whole idea of the European Union was borderless trading. That is dead now.

But it’s not over yet. In fact, it hasn’t even begun. Just as what I call Shemitah Trends are an extension of the Shemitah end-day, so the Jubilee Year that began at the end of September is a continuation as well.

Call them Shemitah Trends or the Jubilee Year – we haven’t begun to see the end of this yet. Chaos continues to deepen in my view. Next up … a potential war with Russia.

As I pointed out in the October blog, “None of the West’s recent wars have been spontaneous. All have been designed. The idea is to create a thesis/antithesis through military tension or actual war that will result in the kinds of monetary and sociopolitical centralization that the banking elites seek and the military industrial complex feeds off.”

So I’m not surprised by what’s happened since then – and neither are our readers. The past day or so has seen even more craziness. Here’s a brief description from ActivistPost:

Turkey Shoots Down Russian Jet; Emergency NATO Meeting …The Syrian crisis has just seen a drastic escalation in the potential for what could essentially turn into World War 3 with the NATO bloc engaging in direct military confrontation with the Russian alliance. Only hours ago, Turkey announced that it shot down a Russian jet, a claim confirmed by the Russian government shortly thereafter. The Turks argue that the Russian jet violated Turkish airspace, a claim which the Russians deny.

It all sounds pretty confusing, of course, and it’s hard to tell who is in the right and who is wrong. The confusion is only expanded when we look at the mainstream media and read what they have to say about it.

For instance, new mainstream “young man’s” publication Vox has produced a video to explain the growing war in Syria. The video explains that the war really started when the Assad administration shot at protestors during an “Arab Spring” rally.

The video goes on to explain that later on something called ISIS began to invade Syria from Iraq. And finally, the violence was aggravated by Assad’s use of poison gas.

But probably none of this is true. The various Arab Springs are actually CIA operations – as has been exposed numerous times in the alternative media – and ISIS has been manufactured along with close NATO ally Saudi Arabia. It is probably doubtful that Assad used poison gas as to do so would be a very foolhardy act given the amount of scrutiny Syria is under.

In other words, the Syria confrontation is just like the Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan confrontations. It’s been created and sustained by Western subversion. It is Western leaders that want the war and Western leaders that are leading the violence in Syria. The West has even manufactured many of the players.

What is also clear is that Vladimir Putin is being maneuvered into an antagonist stance. This has been done by a series of obvious military incitements, first in Georgia, then in Ukraine and now in Syria.

Putin has no reason to want war with the West. He is likely worth tens of billions of dollars, has a tight grip on Russia and the culture of the country is not innately expansionistic. Putin would be happy to be left alone. But it is obviously not meant to be.

He has been playing a careful game, but Turkey’s deliberate provocation inflamed Putin who called the shooting of the jet a “stab in the back by accomplices of terrorism.”

People generally get mad when they feel threatened, and Putin has a lot to feel threatened about. He had to go into Syria to bomb ISIS because the US was not doing so – and thus ally Assad was losing the “war.”

Once Putin began bombing ISIS it was only a short time before Russia uncovered the West’s lack of competence or outright deception when it came to bombing. The Russian’s soon figured out that NATO was not bombing ISIS directly but was degrading Syrian infrastructure.

Once Russia actually began to bomb ISIS, the so-called terrorists went on the run. Russian officials claimed victory and Pentagon officials, clearly restraining their anger, voiced doubts about Russian air strikes.

And now, the next card has been played. In a deliberate incitement, Turkey has shot down a Russian plane. And almost immediately thereafter a meeting of NATO was called. Turkey is a member of NATO. It seems fairly obvious that escalation is being planned.

NATO can’t let Russia continue to bomb because Assad would soon win the war. And anyway, the whole point of the war is not so much to cause Assad’s downfall as to embroil Russia in a direct shooting war with the US.

It’s hard to say if the British banking cabal that seems to steer most of this from the shadows actually wants to provoke a nuclear war. But the bankers and their military and industrial allies certainly want a high level of military tension with Russia and perhaps with China too.

China, for instance, will not stand idly by if Russia is being seriously threatened. And thus we end with an Orwellian world divided into three power blocs: The West, Eurasia and Asia proper.

None of this is going to go away unfortunately. We’ll continue to cover it closely from the standpoint of Shemitah trends and the continuing Jubilee Year.

Our special Survive Shemitah package will end on Dec 21, however, so if you haven’t subscribed to our groundbreaking newsletter at the low price of US$39.95, please do so now. Thousands have subscribed based on the accuracy of our predictions and investments strategies that have netted 1000 percent gains.

Our rates will go up at the end of the year and I would hate to have you miss out. Please subscribe here.

You may not believe it, but things are only going to continue to heat up. This confrontation with Russia is not going to go away. According to RT:

The US launched a third flight test of the newly upgraded B61-12 nuclear gravity bomb, which it says shows the nation’s “continued commitment to security.” The launch was completed by the US Air Force and the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).

Conventional warfare and the unspoken threat of outright thermonuclear war are what haunts the world today. These are grim Shemitah Trends indeed, but coverage is necessary. As the world’s economy spirals down, the tensions of war increase. You need to protect yourself, your portfolio and your family.

If you aren’t prepared for crisis and chaos now then you may be running out of time.

Originally Appeared At The Dollar Vigilante

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