The Crapification of Jobs

The ‘crapification’ of jobs is the direct result of the ‘crapification’ of the economy.

Two recent articles shed light on the ‘crapification’ of jobs and the rise of income inequality:

Martin Wolf on the Low Labor Participation as the Result of the Crapification of Jobs(Naked Capitalism)

The Measured Worker: The technology that illuminates worker productivity and value also contributes to wage inequality. (Technology Review, via John S.P.)

and related technologies are dropping in price even as their productivity increases.

The reality is that humans can only be pushed to produce more if the tools they’re using become more productive.

The second reality is that for many enterprises, these global pressures boil down toautomate or die, with the purpose of automating being to reduce labor costs and boost productivity, as both are required to survive competition and stagnating sales.

3. The total compensation costs of employees is rising even if wages are flat.Employees (and the vast majority of pundits, most of whom have never hired a single employee with their own money) tend to overlook the overhead costs paid by employers: workers compensation insurance (soaring), healthcare insurance (soaring), disability insurance, unemployment insurance, 401K or pension contributions, etc.

Total compensation costs = wages + labor overhead. If labor overhead costs are climbing, the employer is paying more per employee even though the employees aren’t getting a dime more in wages.

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