The era of most humans being employed is nearly over… What happens next?


‘The advancement of the Technology Age continues, and with it stunning discoveries and a plethora of new capabilities. But all of this advancement is also coming at a price and that is this: many human activities are becoming obsolete, and that includes jobs. What’s the next phase then, of human development and, more importantly, employment?

That’s the focus of a new report from Bank of America Merrill Lynch called, “A Transforming World,” which examines the impact technology is having on traditional human activities.

“It is the BofAML view that we have entered a period of accelerated innovation driven by three ecosystems of creative disruption: the Internet-of-Things (IoT); the Sharing Economy; and On-Line Services,” the report begins. “The consumer wins: tech makes things easier, less time-consuming, less uncertain, and less costly. Corporations will be disrupted: incumbents are threatened, innovators will win.”‘

Read more: The era of most humans being employed is nearly over… What happens next?

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