The Flood of Refugees into Europe: ‘The New Slave Trade’

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‘The flood of refugees entering Europe is endless. Nobody knows exactly how many there are and where they go and went. This year, 2015, up to November, estimates vary from the low of 750,000 to a high of 2 million. Most of them went to Germany, or want to go to Germany. Up to a million, perhaps more may end up in Germany by the end of this year. For 2016 predictions are for up to 2 million. They are the direct results of the Washington-NATO driven wars and conflicts in the Middle East which keep raging on; creating chaos. Complete deliberate and manmade chaos.’

Read more: The Flood of Refugees into Europe: ‘The New Slave Trade’

The post The Flood of Refugees into Europe: ‘The New Slave Trade’ appeared first on David Icke.

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