The New ‘Star Wars’ Posters Are All About the One-Eye Sign


‘Disney released five character posters promoting the highly anticipated movie ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’. All five of them prominently feature the one-eye sign, indicating that the movie is part of the elite’s Agenda.

In 2012, the Disney Company acquired Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion and announced three new Star Wars films. On top of acquiring the rights to the tsunami of Star Wars merchandise that is about to flood the markets, Disney gave itself the luxury of molding these new movies to its liking.

Knowing Disney, its ramifications and its elite ties, you better believe that the “messages” in these new movies will closely conform to the occult elite’s Agenda. The new character posters released by Disney are early proof of this fact. Every one of them – the good guys and bad guys – feature one eye clearly hidden by a weapon. No matter what side they’re on, they’re owned by the elite.’

Read more: The New ‘Star Wars’ Posters Are All About the One-Eye Sign

The post The New ‘Star Wars’ Posters Are All About the One-Eye Sign appeared first on David Icke.

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