The Occult Definition of Convict and the Hidden Role of Judges

‘The word convict is often used in the legal system to identify people who have been found “guilty” of a crime and is serving a sentence in prison. What most people do not know about the word convict is that there is a deeper meaning to this word. Its deeper meaning is used by the Dark Forces and their minions to mock people who were in prison or are serving a sentence in prison. After reading this article, you will know the occult definition of convict and why the legal system likes to use this word to mock convicts.

The overt definition of convict is “a person proved or declared guilty of an offense.” This definition only defines the word convict at the surface level. To find the deeper meaning of the word convict, you need to split the word into two words “con-vict” and switch them around. When you do this, the words become “vict-con”.’

Read more: The Occult Definition of Convict and the Hidden Role of Judges

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