The United States’ Mission Lies on the New Silk Road

The United States can stop killing and dying, and start building again.

November 2, 2015 brought news of a devastating shock to the United States: The death rate has been steadily rising since 1999 for white Americans 45-54 years old— some 44 million people — and has risen by at least 15% during that time, covering the entire Presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama. No such thing happened during the Great Depression of the 1930s, nor at any time in the 20th Century; and no such thing has happened in any other industrial country since World War II.

The causes are overwhelmingly drug and alcohol intoxication, suicide, and liver diseases associated with substance abuse. This “disease of hopelessness,” to quote one rust-belt mayor, is the disease of deindustrialization and constant war. The authors of the study which discovered this shocking reality, say “these Americans are the first to find, in mid-life, that they will not be better off than were their parents.”

Every nation has a mission for mankind; and every nation’s mission for itself is to allow each generation to give way to another which rises higher, and is of greater benefit to future humanity.

The United States’ mission, to save itself, is staring us in the face. We must stop the killing in our name, illegally, of at least hundreds of thousands in wars and drone wars, by George W. Bush and Barack Obama. It is illegal and unconstitutional, and it is still being escalated by Obama. He must be removed from office, to stop it.

We should shut down Wall Street’s speculations by re-establishing the Glass-Steagall Act. Then, start building again, by linking up with the most powerful initiative building modern infrastructure to develop the world economy: The China-initiated ‘New Silk Road’ projects across Eurasia by land and sea. We should usher this into the United States by high-speed rail across the Bering Strait and down to the U.S. West Coast; and build out a high-speed rail grid to match China’s 11,000 miles already operating.

America should accept responsibility for the huge crisis of refugees in Europe created by Obama’s and Bush’s Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan wars — by taking a lead in building the ‘New Silk Road’ into the Mideast. As a German author’s article put it yesterday,

“Just a statement of intent … to join this project would change the political climate. Once the first activities of planning and building appear, many will see the first longed-for silver-linings on the horizon. Such a strategy would improve the situation in the Near East, and would weaken the Islamic State decisively: Where people are gripped by hope and confidence, fundamentalism will cease to find its nourishment.”

So will the “disease of hopelessness” cease in the United States.

I want to help build this new perspective.

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