Trouble From Sinus Infections?

Sinusitis vertigo and dizziness are complications of a sinus infection. Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses, which can becaused by bacteria, a virus, or fungus.  The sinuses are four hollow cavities in the human skull and are important parts of the immune system as they provide defense against infection. The sinuses are lined with mucous, which expels pollutants and bacteria from the body.

It is common for the infection that causes colds to also affect the sinuses and can contribute to dizziness. The dizziness is a result of fluid build-up in the ears that puts pressure on the eardrum and inner ear. This affects the vestibular labyrinth, which is intended to gauge balance, thus causing dizziness or vertigo. If dizziness is severe it can lead to nausea as well.

  • Drinking plenty of fluids to thin out mucous
  • Spicy foods to dissolve mucous
  • Salt-water rinse through the nasal cavity
  • Putting apple cider vinegar in hot water and drinking it like a tea
  • Avoiding alcohol, smoke or dry air
  • These home remedies are effective ways to get your breathing healthy once again, along with reducing headaches, pressure and ridding yourself of mucous.

    Reprinted with permission from Bel Marra Health.

    The post Trouble From Sinus Infections? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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