UN demands Israel annul Golan annexation decision … al-Jaafari stresses right to fully restore occupied Golan


‘The UN demanded that Israel comply with the international legitimacy’s resolutions on the occupied Syrian Golan, particularly the Security Council resolution no. 497 of 1981 that declared Israel’s decision to impose its laws and jurisdiction on the Golan as “null and void and without international legal effect”.

The UN’s demand came during the General Assembly’s seventieth session held Tuesday at which the Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) approved a draft resolution on “The occupied Syrian Golan”.

An overwhelming majority of the delegations of state members voted in favor of the resolution, in whose preparation 35 states took part, which shows the great international support given to the issue of fully restoring Golan to the line of June 4th, 1967.’

Read more: UN demands Israel annul Golan annexation decision … al-Jaafari stresses right to fully restore occupied Golan

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