US Tries to Pressure India on Global Warming, as Countdown to Paris COP21 Summit Proceeds

At a daily news conference in Washington on Nov. 9, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest put pressure on India to toe the line on the reduction of carbon emissions to decrease the impacts of global warming—in other words, to acquiesce to the green genocide agenda. “…We have seen India take important steps in the past, and there was, earlier in the President’s Administration, a commitment that was made by the Indians to limit hydrofluorocarbons,” Earnest told reporters. Earnest’s statement was designed to pressure India to abandon its plans to build coal-fired power plants, which reversal would deprive hundreds of millions of Indians of electrical power.

Tuesday in Paris, the three-day, final pre-summit preparatory meeting took place, where representatives from 70 nations hashed out the final version of a draft text (not made public) for the December confab. The draft is now 55 pages, with 1,500 bracketed sections, indicating points of disagreement. An earlier, 20-page version was denounced last month as “apartheid” by the South African delegate.

India is unwilling to abandon building of coal-fired power plants and is considered a hold-out on the climate-change issue. Former Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh recently pointed out that India cannot abandon coal. “It would be suicidal on our part to give up on coal for [the] next 15-20 years, at least, given the need,” he said.

India’s Minister of State for power, coal, and new and renewable energy, Piyush Goyal, said recently: “It is a matter of shame that 68 years after independence we have not been able to provide a basic amenity like electricity.” India has 125 coal-fired power plants in operation and plans to build 140 more using the more efficient “super-critical” technology.

An article Tuesday in the Global Times, penned by Swaran Singh, said China and India have “increasingly projected themselves as responsible stakeholders willing to partner with advanced nations in addressing the climate change crisis. Together they have achieved a consensus on common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR) which has become the basis for ongoing deliberations.” The article also said that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, explaining the cardinal principle of differentiated responsibility, pointed out that India is keen “to make societal interventions to create opportunities for everybody, creating conditions where the least developed countries can also hope to develop.”

Timed with this week’s Paris pre-meeting, came two new, fraudulent reports to goad compliance with COP21 evil. The World Meteorological Organization asserts that the 2014 volume of greenhouse gases reached a new record, and the Earth is threatened with overheating. The World Bank asserted that if no action is taken to radically reduce carbon emissions, there will be 100 million more people in poverty by 2030. 

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