War On Reality: Another Cop Has Faked an Ambush on Himself – and Threw In a Bomb Threat Too

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‘It would seem that police propaganda regarding the War on Cops is not sufficiently fooling the public, evidenced by a bizarre trend of cops staging attacks on themselves. Sadly, for cops like Bryan Johnson of the Millis police department, these wannabe warrior cops are not as skilled in theatrics as they are in oppression.

Johnson, a likely admirer of infamous ambush-staging scumbag “G.I. Joe” Gliniewicz, sparked a huge – and taxpayer costly – manhunt after he radioed in being fired upon from a maroon pickup truck that supposedly fled into the woods. He then intentionally destroyed his police cruiser after shooting into it. The subsequent pursuit of his imagined attacker terrified local residents who were forced to stay inside.

Clearly not satisfied with making Millis’ citizens fear a gunman lurking around in their community, he moved on to threatening their children. The same day Johnson began his fantasy war, he also called in a bomb threat to Millis High School, spreading the toxic but invented terror necessary to make him look like a victim, and the Millis community a target.’

Read more: War On Reality: Another Cop Has Faked an Ambush on Himself – and Threw In a Bomb Threat Too

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