When You Tell the Social Justice Warriors To Go to Hades

“Racist Rant Shelves Shock Jock,” screamed the front page of New York’s Daily News in July of last year. Anthony Cumia was fired from his twenty-year gig with The Opie & Anthony Show. He had been attacked by a gigantic black woman for taking her picture and was subsequently approached by a mob of black men. He had a gun on him but managed to bark them all away without brandishing it. He later tweeted hurtful comments such as “It’s a jungle in our cities after midnight” and “Violent savages own our streets.” It is and they do.

Sirius cut the cord within days and blamed the tweets. Anthony’s partner of twenty years, Greg “Opie” Hughes, said nothing. He didn’t even contact Cumia. I believe Sirius was looking for a way to get rid of Anthony and it had nothing to do with politics. I think it was about money. 2006, but Anthony is a wop and they tend to be as resilient as N-words (possibly because they share so much DNA). Cumia was already doing his own podcast from his house in a drunken rant known as Live From the Compound, so he made that his new full-time job. Within a few weeks, he had hired a complete staff including an old intern from Opie & Anthony and a regular caller known as Keith the Cop. The show became The Anthony Cumia Show and they charged $6.95 a month for subscriptions. Within one month of his termination, tens of thousands of subscribers appeared and Anthony maintained his ridiculous salary—only this time there were no strings attached. I don’t think Opie was ever funny, and listening to him riff with Anthony and cohost Jimmy Norton was like hearing two funny guys swim in the joke pool with a dead anvil around their necks. I nicknamed Opie “torpid sloth” for this and it stuck. Humor is subjective, but from where I sit, Cumia sounded a lot happier when he wasn’t constantly “walking on Gregshells.” Corporate America has been infected with the Thought Police virus, and even satellite radio, which sold itself as the last bastion of free speech, is constantly second-guessing itself and telling its hosts what can and cannot be construed as offensive. The Anthony Cumia Show sold itself as an apology-free zone and the fans loved it.

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The post When You Tell the Social Justice Warriors To Go to Hades appeared first on LewRockwell.

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