White Supremacy at Mizzou

Finally, after at least a decade of white supremacy on campus, students of all colors are breaking free and screaming, “WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT OUR CHAINS!” It took a lot of racism to ignite the unwashed masses of Ivy League students yearning to breathe free, but this is the week “Racial Discrimination Protests Ignite at Colleges Across the U.S.”

This revolution was born after innumerable attacks on visible minorities and everyone around them. A University of Missouri professor claimed on CNN that she’d been called the N-word “too many times to talk about.” I assume the context is the dean yelling something like “Hey, nigger, what are you doing in the snack room? Go teach your fucking class!” Maybe he has a whip, I don’t know.

be called a terrorist or a towel head.” It’s worth noting that MSA head Payton Head has never had a hijab on his head nor has he ever been called a towel head.

Oct. 5, 2015

A drunk person at MU said “niggers.” He was apprehended and “moved from campus.”

Oct. 10, 2015

Frustrated by the lack of action from Missouri University president Tim Wolfe, black student activists calling themselves Concerned Student 1950 (a reference to the first black students at the school) blocked his car and demanded he address their suffering (presumably to the backs of their heads). The group included Fresh Prince of Missouri Jonathan L. Butler, who is reportedly worth $20m.

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