Why placing DWP staff in foodbanks is a bad idea


‘Foodbanks are often where people go when the DWP has failed them. Often having been humiliated, degraded and made fearful by their experiences at the Jobcentre, they find at the foodbank a compassionate approach which treats them as valued human beings, no matter what their economic status. This is particularly valuable for people with mental health problems.

So the idea of placing DWP staff in foodbanks, as Iain Duncan Smith is very keen to do, seems a bad idea for several reasons. It could deter people who have been sanctioned or feel under pressure from the DWP from visiting a foodbank. It is in danger of integrating foodbanks so that they become an established part of the welfare state, bestowing acceptability on to a level of benefits that leave people unable to buy adequate food.

If foodbanks become closely associated with the DWP and are seen to be working hand in hand with it, it could be seen as an acceptance of government policy.’


The post Why placing DWP staff in foodbanks is a bad idea appeared first on David Icke.

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