“Would Turkey Act Without US Permission?”

“One question is would [Turkish President] Erdogan do this without US permission, without US support,” said Daniel McAdams, executive director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, in an interview today with Sputnik International. McAdams, a long-time aide to Ron Paul in Congress, accused Turkey of criminal activity in helping ISIS:

“This is very serious…Turkey has allowed itself to become a super-hotbed for ISIS and other jihadists to go back and forth from Syria into Turkey…if you want criminal activity, Turkey is an accomplice to the crime at the very least.”

…Just this week, the US was considering inviting al-Qaeda’s affiliate Ahrar ash-Sham to attend the talks [on Syria], as well. So, 14 years after al-Qaeda attacked the US on 9/11, the US is talking about bringing an al-Qaeda affiliate in as a moderate opposition in Syria.”

Obama’s role is also raised by Pepe Escobar: “Let’s cut to the chase. The notion that Turkey’s downing of a Russian Su-24 by a made-in-USA F-16 was carried out without either a green light or at least pre-arranged ‘support’ from Washington” is almost impossible to believe. Escobar then gives a synopsis of Turkey’s dirty role under “Sultan Erdogan” in helping ISIS, and trafficking in oil stolen by ISIS from Syria and Iraq.  He also documents that “Bilal Erdogan, the sultan’s son, is a major profiteer” in this trade, which Putin, he notes, exposed at the G-20 meeting in Antalya, Turkey, last week.

There are also serious warnings of the danger of nuclear war. Republican Presidential candidate Rand Paul said yesterday, reported The Hill, “The shooting down of a Russian fighter jet illustrates precisely why we need open lines” to Russia. He also smashed other candidates’ demands for a no-fly-zone, saying, “Shooting down other countries’ fighter jets will be the result and a war between nuclear superpowers a possibility.”  The editor of antiwar.com, Justin Raimondo, says that “the Americans want another Cuban missile crisis … Are you ready for World War III?”

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