You Have Very Little Time to Change Your Thinking

Lyndon LaRouche is sharply criticizing his immediate associates for failing to change their own thinking, to grasp and act upon the immediate need to demoralize and crush Barack Obama before he succeeds in launching thermonuclear war over the coming days or weeks.

LaRouche insists that Obama must immediately be humiliated and degraded to the extent that he is unable to force through the remaining short steps to thermonuclear war, nor able to prevent his being abruptly forced out of office.  This is a matter of life or death for humanity,— not weeks into the future, but right now.

On just this issue, in his emergency Fireside Chat on the evening of Nov 25, the last question to LaRouche came from a Texan, who said impeachment of Obama was out of the question, since it requires two-thirds of the Senate, and has never happened.  Obama should be thrown out in a popularly-demanded military coup like Egyptian dictator Morsi, he continued, but that can’t happen since Obama has fired all the good generals. How can we get the American people to rise up en masse and demand Obama’s ouster, he asked?

LaRouche answered that no systemic principle prevents that. The people must be mobilized into the right way of educating themselves.  The values they have been taught to adapt to have corrupted them.  It’s not just a question of cleaning up the people: they must be brought to understand the diseases with which they have infected their own minds.  This will work.

If you want to control society, you corrupt society; you induce people to believe things which are not true; whereas truthful knowledge is not generally practiced.  This is because our systems of government are so often corrupt.

You have to get people to look at themselves, and ask “What am I doing wrong?”  They can understand this, but they have to enter into a study of themselves, and review what they should be thinking about, with the right ideas.  This can be done, but the only way it can be done is for people to look at themselves very carefully.  To re-examine what they have adopted as their opinion.  Under certain conditions this has happened successfully.  We need that again now.

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You Have Very Little Time to Change Your Thinking

Lyndon LaRouche is sharply criticizing his immediate associates for failing to change their own thinking, to grasp and act upon the immediate need to demoralize and crush Barack Obama before he succeeds in launching thermonuclear war over the coming days or weeks.

LaRouche insists that Obama must immediately be humiliated and degraded to the extent that he is unable to force through the remaining short steps to thermonuclear war, nor able to prevent his being abruptly forced out of office.  This is a matter of life or death for humanity,— not weeks into the future, but right now.

On just this issue, in his emergency Fireside Chat on the evening of Nov 25, the last question to LaRouche came from a Texan, who said impeachment of Obama was out of the question, since it requires two-thirds of the Senate, and has never happened.  Obama should be thrown out in a popularly-demanded military coup like Egyptian dictator Morsi, he continued, but that can’t happen since Obama has fired all the good generals. How can we get the American people to rise up en masse and demand Obama’s ouster, he asked?

LaRouche answered that no systemic principle prevents that. The people must be mobilized into the right way of educating themselves.  The values they have been taught to adapt to have corrupted them.  It’s not just a question of cleaning up the people: they must be brought to understand the diseases with which they have infected their own minds.  This will work.

If you want to control society, you corrupt society; you induce people to believe things which are not true; whereas truthful knowledge is not generally practiced.  This is because our systems of government are so often corrupt.

You have to get people to look at themselves, and ask “What am I doing wrong?”  They can understand this, but they have to enter into a study of themselves, and review what they should be thinking about, with the right ideas.  This can be done, but the only way it can be done is for people to look at themselves very carefully.  To re-examine what they have adopted as their opinion.  Under certain conditions this has happened successfully.  We need that again now.

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