You’d Better Stop Terrorism

How can we stop terrorism?

Before you commit yourself though, you might want to consider the following – – –

~”There is no way to stop a dedicated terrorist who is willing to pay the price.” –Desert Storm General Norman Schwartzkopf, Ret., MSNBC

~”The asymmetrical advantage a terrorist has is that he can strike any place at any time, using any conceivable method of attack, and this is impossible to defend against.” –U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, CNN Late Edition

“It’s impossible to have a police officer every place. That would be unrealistic and it would change the nature of a free society.” –NYC Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, quoted by Brian Jenkins, CNN Live

Now, although U.S. officials might think half-a-million dead kids “in pursuit of U.S. Policy” is OK, you can understand why it might seriously tick other people off. Those kids’ parents, family, and friends, for example. Maybe their countrymen in general. Maybe most folks of good will everywhere. It might even tick you off – – –

And even if Uncle stops behaving this way immediately, there will be a time-lag because, by killing their kids, relatives, friends, neighbors, etc., Uncle has ticked-off a LOT of folks over the decades. So you might want to buy that new Glock you’ve been eying — and spend a little more time at the range – – –

This is a burden that will also fall on the kids, grand kids and the yet unborn. None the less, the way to stop terrorism eventually is to stop Uncle Sam from being a terrorist NOW!

I didn’t say it would be easy.

The post You’d Better Stop Terrorism appeared first on LewRockwell.

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