Your Gallbladder

When it comes to helping with digestion, the liver and gallbladder work closely. While the liver makes the bile necessary to break down fats into fatty acids, the gallbladder (located beneath the liver) stores that bile until it’s needed in the small intestine. Because of this, it’s very important to keep both organs healthy. Through this article, we will focus on common gallbladder problems and a few natural remedies.

Types of Gallbladder Diseases

Gallstones (cholelithiasis)

If there’s too much cholesterol in the gallbladder, bile can crystallize into small, hard buildups called gallstones. While poor diet is the main cause, heredity could also play a role in their formation, as a 2007 study highlighted a gene that increases a person’s chances of forming gallstones. [1] [2]

Inflamed Gallbladder (Cholecystitis)

Your liver and gallbladder are connected by the cystic duct, and gallstones can actually block that passage, causing a buildup of bile. It’s important to never ignore an inflamed gallbladder (also called cholecystitis) because it can affect your overall health as the gallbladder becomes weaker and possibly even ruptures; a fever and sharp abdominal pain or biliary colic are two common symptoms of cholecystitis. If this bladder attacks happen more than once, it means you are more likely to experience them in the future.

Gallbladder Polyps

The exact cause of these growths is still unknown. While these lesions are often benign, this is not always the case; there’s even some evidence suggesting a person’s age, the presence of gallstones, or larger polyp size could be linked to malignancy. [3] [4] However, since polyps aren’t usually diagnosed until either an abdominal ultrasound or gallbladder surgery (cholecystectomy), it’s important to be aware of what could be a serious health issue.

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