23,000 Gun Laws

Originally published by AmmoLand.com.

Louisiana – Ireland, and later India, were once under British rule.  At one point in their rebellions, they ignored the outside laws they didn’t like.  We are doing that again in the United States.  It is hard for me to imagine gun owners breaking the law.  Once you’ve been around the gun culture for a while you learn that licensed gun owners are the rule-following type.  Many gun owners would like to follow the law all the time, but they can’t.  Gun owners are not alone.  Neither the lawyers nor the judges who work with firearms law every day can keep up with the 23 thousand gun laws.  Breaking our gun laws is more than a matter of ignorance.  The very prosecutors charged with enforcing our firearms laws routinely ignore them as well.  On second consideration, the government lawyers ignore far more firearms laws than do gun owners.  Remember that when you hear a politician say we need more firearms restrictions.

I’ll start with gun owners first.Second Amendment Society has shown, any excuse will do when a government official denies a citizen’s request.  The government officials are NEVER prosecuted for breaking these laws.

  • Concealed carry applications in California routinely exceed the state mandated response time.
  • Prosecutors routinely ignore the straw purchases that put guns into the hands of criminals. Even the criminal isn’t usually prosecuted for possession of a stolen firearm.  That is the first charge prosecutors bargain away.  In the rare case of prosecution, straw purchasers receive minor sentences.  In contrast, many gun owners were sentenced to the maximum extent of the law for minor paperwork violations.
  • The right to keep and bear arms is written into the constitution of 44 of our 50 states. I can only recall a few instances where a state attorney general or a local prosecutor pursued charges when the state or city abused the law and denied our human right of self-defense.  Imagine if you said you were too busy to file your permits on time.. or too busy to pay your taxes.  That lawlessness is a sad legacy to leave our children.
  • Remember that when you hear them call for even more laws.

    Reprinted with permission from AmmoLand.com.

    The post 23,000 Gun Laws appeared first on LewRockwell.

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