6 Ways To Lower Your Risk of Getting Sick

As many of us are quite aware, with the winter comes an increased risk of illness. And yet, even though we know that the odds of catching a cold or flu during the winter are at their highest, it still doesn’t stop us from partaking in habits that can increase these odds even more.

You can catch a cold or a virus through the spread of germs or by catching the influenza virus. Unfortunately, despite the fact that these illnesses are very much preventable, we still carry on with the unhealthy habits that land us in bed for days, stuffed up, coughing or even worse – running to the bathroom to vomit or have diarrhea.

Although polite, shaking hands can spread germs – fast. Research suggests that hand shaking accounts for 80 percent of illness spreading. Try to avoid shaking hands and opt for a fist bump or a smile or nod instead. Additionally, you could tell a small fib by saying that you have a slight cold and don’t want to spread germs around – they don’t need to know that you’re just trying to protect yourself. You have the right – it’s your health!

You’re always stressed

Like lack of sleep, being chronically stressed has similar health effects and can weaken your immune system. One study showed that chronically stressed people double their risk of getting sick compared to non-stressed individuals.

With the hustle and bustle of life – especially around the holidays – take time out for yourself to unwind and relax, your body will appreciate it.

Reprinted with permission from Bel Marra Health.

The post 6 Ways To Lower Your Risk of Getting Sick appeared first on LewRockwell.

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