A Truly Presidential Statement on Terrorism From Lyndon LaRouche

Shortly before Barack Obama’s self-serving prime-time TV appearance Sunday night, purporting to discuss the San Bernardino incident and terrorism more broadly, Lyndon LaRouche stressed to a Sunday gathering of associates that “Obama must be thrown out, period.” There is no way to avoid thermonuclear war; there is no way to stop terrorism; there is no hope for mankind in general, unless we promptly oust Obama, LaRouche stated.

In this moment of crisis, with a dysfunctional American Presidency, it is urgent to recall what Lyndon LaRouche stated at the outset of his Dec. 3 Fireside Chat discussion with supporters. Just 24 hours after the San Bernardino massacre, while Obama was engaging in Benghazi-like lies that the attack may have merely been “workplace violence,” Lyndon LaRouche provided the required leadership:

“Well, what we’ve got is, a problem which can be traced most immediately from the reign of terror, which struck Paris and around other parts of France recently. Now we have inside the United States, we have a smaller scale of the same kind of operation, of an Arabist, a panic group which is committing mass murder.  Now, what happened is, that the mass murders which are being run by Turkey and others right now, is part of the same thing, that is killing Americans in the United States now on the same basis.  And the reason this is going on is because of Barack Obama, who has the power to deal with this problem, is not doing it.  And therefore you can’t complain about this stuff, if you do not act upon the means you have available to correct the problem.

“And what is happening, the police forces of course, do have some insight into this thing, but the kind of insight which is required is not being delivered!  The President of the United States is responsible to deal with this because this wave of terror, which spilled over from France, which came from Saudi Arabia, originally, in that direction, is now hitting the United States, and the Presidency of the United States either knows it, or is so stupid, that it doesn’t know it.

“And somebody ought to be doing something about it.  This is going to get worse.  But if you’re not dealing with getting rid of this particular case of terror, because this is only a part of a plan to create a massive disruption, along these lines, inside the United States, as well as elsewhere.

“So therefore, Obama is not doing his job! Obama is not acting to save the lives of American citizens. And that’s the only way to get at this thing. Don’t comment on it: Correct it.

“So therefore, we’ve come to a point where we can’t simply solve a problem one at a time.  We have to recognize that the whole planet, under the influence of the British Empire, as such; it was the British Empire that organized the general world wars in terms of the previous century; the Civil War was a product of this same problem.

“So therefore, the problem is, we’ve just got to clean the mess up.”

Later in the discussion, LaRouche reiterated:

“This President must be removed from office because he is terrorizing the entire population of the United States, and therefore he’s not fit to be President of the United States.”

LaRouche’s leadership is intersecting growing revulsion in the country against Obama’s lies, and his deranged drive towards thermonuclear confrontation with Russia and China—most recently using the Erdogan government in Turkey to launch one provocation after another against Russia. On Dec. 4, Mellon-Scaife’s Pittsburgh Tribune Review became the latest media to pick up on Washington Times columnist Charles Hurt’s raising of the necessity of activating the 25th Amendment against a President Obama responsible for ISIS now “coming to America.” Other media, such as the Boston Herald, are outraged at Obama’s handling of San Bernardino, writing: “Workplace violence? Really?”

But few in the U.S. yet comprehend the depth of change that is required to solve these problems—such as the urgent extension of the World Land-Bridge into every corner of the planet, including the war-torn Middle East. Nor have they considered the unique qualities of human creativity, outside the ordinary habits of “practical thinking,” that are needed to bring that revolutionary transformation about.

Enter LaRouche’s Manhattan Project, which is addressing precisely that critical point. As LaRouche stated in his Fireside Chat:

“There is no such thing as an evolutionary process of development of human culture. There are effects which occur at certain times. But then, suddenly, the whole culture, collapses, vanishes, it’s slaughtered. Then later, somebody else arrives, stimulates something new, and gives mankind another chance at progress.

“And our job is to understand this question of progress, and progress is not an evolutionary process. It’s always a revolutionary process, it is never evolutionary! And everybody who’s sitting around waiting for a revolutionary process, is just kidding themselves. A revolution of that type, has to be an act of genius, which comes as if from nowhere. But that’s the way mankind succeeds. And I’m looking for people who will do that kind of work, and become the geniuses who cause the future to be reborn again.”

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