A UK watchdog is investigating the manufacturer of Nurofen over ‘misleading packaging’

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‘The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is now investigating Reckitt Benckiser (the makers of Nurofen) for potentially misleading customers in the UK after the company was banned from selling products in Australia.

The UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has now confirmed it is is investigating 12 complaints (initially received in February 2015) about a television advert for Nurofen Express. While the product name ‘Nurofen Express’ is valid, due to the fact that liquid formulations work more quickly than the Nurofen tablet formulation, the ASA is determining whether the advert could have misled the public because it appears to imply that the product directly targets headaches.’

Read more: A UK watchdog is investigating the manufacturer of Nurofen over ‘misleading packaging’

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