Apple CEO claims next generation of children will have all purchases electronically tracked


‘As noted by the UK Telegraph, Cook, during a discussion at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, recently, predicted the end of cash as we know it – to be replaced by electronic purchase transfers that essentially mimic the Biblical “mark of the beast,” because they will be conducted with devices that can be tracked (and controlled), by the powers that be: large corporations and the government.

What’s more, Cook wasn’t predicting some far-off event; he said he believed that the death of cash was likely to occur by the time the university students he was addressing started their families.

At present, The Telegraph noted, cash is still very widely used. In the UK, for example, consumers, based on data from Payments UK, an industry watchdog organization, utilize cash more than half the time [this figure is much higher in the U.S. – more on that below]. However, use of cash is receding, especially as more and more people switch to online methods of exchanging payment – through apps like PayPal, Google Wallet and, of course, Apple Pay.’

Read more: Apple CEO claims next generation of children will have all purchases electronically tracked

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