Big Pharma’s painkillers causing drug abuse epidemics across 80% of U.S. workplaces

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‘According to a survey conducted by the National Safety Council (NSC), a whopping 80 percent of employees in Indiana have felt the effects of prescription drug misuse and abuse. However, it’s not just an Indiana issue, but one that is widespread across the United States. In fact, the president and CEO of the NSC, Deborah Hersman, says, “This is not a local problem; this is a national problem, and it’s very important for employers to understand this is an issue they need to pay attention to and not put their head in the sand.”(1)

Opioids – the prescribed painkillers which millions of Americans are addicted to – are becoming increasingly problematic. Death rates from their addictions have tripled since 2010, and of the $60 billion associated with economic opioid abuse costs, half of that figure is attributed to workplace losses, including diminished productivity.’

Read more: Big Pharma’s painkillers causing drug abuse epidemics across 80% of U.S. workplaces

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