Brazil rejects Israeli ambassador, Tel Aviv vows to downgrade ties


‘Brazil still refuses to accept an Israeli ambassador as he was a settler leader in the occupied West Bank, prompting Tel Aviv to threaten Brasilia of a downgrade in diplomatic relations.

Brasilia’s decision to reject Dani Dayan four months after his appointment has angered Tel Aviv and prompted it to announce on Sunday that it would press on the left-leaning government in the South American country to accept Israeli envoy.

“The foreign ministry will use all the tools at its disposal to have Dani Dayan’s appointment go through,” said Deputy Minister of Israel’s Foreign Affairs Tzipi Hotovely, adding, Tel Aviv “will leave the level of diplomatic relations with Brazil at the secondary level if the appointment of Dani Dayan is not confirmed.” She also said that Dayan would remain Israel’s sole nominee.’

Read more: Brazil rejects Israeli ambassador, Tel Aviv vows to downgrade ties


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