Cameron said airstrikes will ‘lead to further radicalisation and increased terrorism’

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‘On 4 October David Cameron said Russian air strikes in Syria “will lead to further radicalisation and increased terrorism.” Yet he has just led a huge majority in parliament that voted to commence UK air strikes in Syria.

Assuming this isn’t some quite breathtaking cognitive dissonance, it is exactly the kind of contrived double standard that summarises this government’s foreign policy. Cameron will target his “enemies” with evidence, but when it comes to the UK or its “allies” the fingerprints have been dusted off.

Since we began the “war on terror” in 2001, terrorist attacks have soared by 6500%, according to data from the US state department. Analysis from journalist Paul Gottinger showed a direct trend between US military intervention and increased terrorism. 74% of terror casualties happened in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan or Nigeria in 2014. US air strikes or military occupations were undertaken in all of these countries except Nigeria in that year.’

Read more: Cameron said airstrikes will ‘lead to further radicalisation and increased terrorism’


David Icke – You Are Watching A Movie – Called World War III

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