Cameron’s real climate policy: promise the sky, frack the Earth

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‘On Monday Cameron was waxing lyrical on climate change at COP21 in Paris, writes Natalie Bennett. But his true colours will be revealed tomorrow as a long established anti-fracking camp in Cheshire is set for eviction: all part of the plan for a new generation of gas-fired power stations that will blow the UK’s emissions targets.

The government’s fracking fantasy – its idea that fracked gas can provide much of the supply for these new gas power stations – is clearly alive and well, despite the strong public resistance and the scant progress the industry has made.
In theory, David Cameron and his government are desperately concerned about climate change and keen for action. In fact, he said so again on Monday in a bold speech at COP21:

“What I’m saying is that instead of making excuses tomorrow to our children and grandchildren, we should be taking action against climate change today. What we are looking for is not difficult, it is doable and therefore we should come together and do it.”‘

Read more: Cameron’s real climate policy: promise the sky, frack the Earth

The post Cameron’s real climate policy: promise the sky, frack the Earth appeared first on David Icke.

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