COP21 Supporters ‘Talk A Lot of Bullshit’

In an interview with Italian national television channel Raidue, electrical engineer and computer scientist Roberto Vacca blasted the COP21 conference in Paris: “Such conferences are spreading alarmism. Don’t trust those scientists, they talk a lot of bullshit.”

We know very little about climate, and we must study more, Vacca said. Lifestyles have nothing to do with it.

In the same broadcast, World Federation of Scientists chairman Antonino Zichichi blasted the very idea of forecasting climate change with mathematical models and of criminalizing CO2.

To describe climate evolution you need three non-linear, strongly coupled differential equations, Zichichi said. “Such a system has no analytical solution; i.e., nobody will be ever able to write the equation for climate evolution. The only way is to build ad hoc models. A mathematical model is not scientific truth but the equivalent of saying: It is that way because I say so; not in words but by writing formulas that obey what I think is the solution.

“There are 72 planetary emergencies which, in contrast to climate emergencies, are verifiable, certain, scientifically demonstrable. One of those is currently water. A lot of resources are needed to make water available and clean for millions of persons.”

One should not confuse poisons with CO2, Zichichi said. “CO2 is food for plants. If there was no CO2 in the atmosphere, vegetable life would not be born. And since animal life follows vegetable life, we would not be here. The greenhouse effect is not our enemy. If there were no greenhouse effect, the temperature on this Solar satellite would be -18C degrees. The greenhouse effect is giving us 33C degrees.”

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