COP21: This Murderous Bomb May Fail To Explode

Obama “gets far more energized about slashing energy use than about Islamist terrorism,” write Paul Driessen and Roger Bezdek in their report on the Paris “greenhouse gas” agreement for which Obama and British crown agent Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber are claiming triumphal credit.

Driessen and Bezdek show that if the Paris agreement were actually carried out, the releases of CO2 and other greenhouse gases would have to be reduced by 80% from 1990 levels to 2050, “which means the world would have to eliminate 96% of the greenhouse gases that all humanity would likely release [at the] world population levels, economic growth and living standards predicted for 2050.” The elimination of such huge proportions of economic activity and high-flux energy production, would mean the elimination of billions of people, dying early and needlessly from disease, malnutrition, lack of water, lack of heat, and other burdens.

“There is a strong positive relationship between GDP and carbon-based energy consumption,” they write. “Slashing fossil energy use that far, would thus require decimating economic growth, job creation and preservation, and average per-person incomes. In fact, average world per capita GDP would plummet from a projected $30,600 in 2050 to a miserable $1,200 per year. Average per capita GDP in 2050 would be less than what Americans had in 1830!…  That would be catastrophic for jobs, health and welfare in developed countries — and lethal to millions in poor nations, who would be denied the blessings of electricity and fossil fuels for decades to come.”

COP21 mastermind Schellnhuber, who has stated his belief that 1 billion people is the Earth’s maximum “carrying capacity,” stated after the agreement: “To stabilize our climate, CO2 emissions have to peak well before 2030, and should be eliminated as soon as possible after 2050.” This is absurd, since CO2 emissions are already falling globally, according to a scientific report presented in Paris during the conference and published in Nature Climate Science. This is largely due to economic decline, concentrated in the Trilateral economies, and resulting drops in consumption of fossil fuels.

To get the agreement, Obama, the European Union countries, and the Vatican had to bribe developing countries with a $100 billion fund to sign, and substitute “agreement” for “treaty” — i.e., the countries’ pledges to reduce greenhouse gases are voluntary, and so are the money pledges. The U.S. Congress is not likely to allow any U.S. funds for this purpose.

So the genocidal intention of the British royal planners of COP21 may be aborted — but in the United States, Obama will accelerate his drive to enforce this Paris agreement by executive orders. He will impose great further ruin on the U.S. industrial economy, unless he is removed from office now.

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