Don’t Get the Flu

OLIVE LEAF is one of my favorite herbs for this time of year.  I use olive leaf for immune enhancement so that I do not get the flu.  However, olive leaf is more than just a great anti-viral.

OLIVES in some form have been used throughout history.  Olives and olive oil are referenced throughout the Bible.  Olive leaf is the first herb mentioned after the flood.  Olive oil was used in ancient times as a special anointing oil for priests and kings.  The ancient Egyptians used an olive leaf extract to mummify their kings.  Throughout the ages, teas made from olive leaf have been a popular folk remedy, particularly for combating fevers.

Olive leaf is also considered a CARDIOVASCULAR herb.  It is a potent antioxidant that may help prevent atherosclerosis by inhibiting oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Olive leaf increases blood circulation to the heart and improves the pumping action of the heart.  Olive leaf also lowers blood pressure.  I have always suspected that the real reason olive leaf works in this capacity is that it cleans the blood of yeast and fungus – both of these make the blood thicker and also increase cholesterol.

My favorite form of olive leaf is d-LENOLATE.  It is a patented extract that I find works better than any other form of olive leaf.  It comes in 500 mg capsules and in a topical lotion.  It is also a main ingredient in d-Lenolate Plus – a great natural remedy for cold & flu.

During FLU SEASON, I recommend taking 500 mg. of olive leaf daily.  This can be doubled or tripled during acute periods of exposure to colds and flu.

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