EU Exploits ‘Refugee’ Crisis it Created to Push Draconian Plan For Occupying Army


‘The European Union is exploiting the refugee crisis it helped create by pushing draconian plans for an occupying army that would have the power to take control of national borders without the consent of sovereign governments.

After rolling out the red carpet for potentially millions of migrants – most of whom are not Syrian – to enter Europe in search of welfare havens like Sweden and Germany – the EU has proven its total incompetence when it comes to dealing with border security.

However, instead of handing more power to national governments to address the crisis, the EU is set to eviscerate the sovereignty of member states further under a new proposal which would permit the deployment of up to 2,500 armed guards wearing EU uniforms, along with naval patrol vessels, helicopters and drones.’

Read more: EU Exploits ‘Refugee’ Crisis it Created to Push Draconian Plan For Occupying Army

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