Expect the End of Megyn Kelly

Interesting that the RNC has agreed to do another presidential debate on Fox News in January, considering what an embarrassing, unprofessional ruckus Megyn Kelly created during the first GOP debate on Fox.

To everyone’s surprise, she tried to make herself part of the debate by attacking Donald Trump in the most amateurish way imaginable. But, then again, we shouldn’t be surprised, given that the RNC is desperately looking for ways to take down Trump. Psst, Priebus, let me give you some free advice: It won’t work.

Even though Chris Wallace and Bret Baier, being the serious journalists they are, will probably give the Queen of Narcissism some professional, pre-debate advice and tell her to try not to make herself a participant in the debate, I’m skeptical she’ll be able to control herself (even if they kick her in the shins when she starts going into her shriek mode).

And if that be the case, Kelly is an even bigger fool than I thought she was, because this time around Trump will finish the job of humiliating her — with an exclamation point! That’s pretty much a sure thing, and, a la Glenn Beck, it will be another step toward the Fox exit door for her. (You do remember when everyone thought Beck was untouchable, don’t you?)

All this got me thinking about who might be the best replacement for Megyn the Malevolent when she finally falls out of favor with King Roger and her chief benefactor, Brit Hume, and here’s the fantasy list I came up with for the 9:00 pm slot, in order of preference:

Shannon Bream
Trish Regan
Andrea Tantaros
Monica Crowley
Kimberly Guilfoyle
Melissa Francis
Laura Ingaham
Kennedy (Lisa Kennedy Montgomery)
Harris Faulkner
Martha McCallum

Of course, Judge Jeanine tops them all, but since she already appears on Saturday and Sunday in the 9:00 pm time slot, I didn’t include her. Nevertheless, she would be a breath of fresh air if she were on nightly.

I’d be interested in knowing your preferences for Kelly’s replacement. Who knows — maybe we can even start a petition.

Having said all this, I feel morally obliged to caution you about getting your hopes too high, because there’s always a possibility that Kelly might just be able to hold on indefinitely. For crying out loud, Greta is still on the air after all these years, so who knows what really goes on behind closed doors?

Reprinted with permission from RobertRinger.com.

The post Expect the End of Megyn Kelly appeared first on LewRockwell.

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