Gladio Global: Gangs and Counter Gangs in Europe, Northern Ireland, Iraq and now in Syria


‘To understand today’s geopolitical chaos, we must first understand the methods of instability used by the state, both at home and abroad…

The website Aangirfan describes a asymmetric counter intelligence operation – originally designed as a “stay behind operation” for defending a country, but later turned back in on itself and unleashed to terrorize the ‘Homeland’ (Europe, North America) as a means of manipulating political, social and military outcomes, defense spending – at home. This is not a conspiracy theory – it’s historical fact.

Is this operation still active today? Looking at events at home and away, it certainly looks like it. Once perfected, this covert paramilitary operation can be deployed abroad as a way of destroying a city, country or region, from within:’

Read more: Gladio Global: Gangs and Counter Gangs in Europe, Northern Ireland, Iraq and now in Syria

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