Global consensus weighing against GMOs as majority of EU nations ban GMO cultivation

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‘The clock is ticking ever closer towards a much anticipated end for the world’s biotech moguls. These corporate criminals are now being forced to watch their entire corrupt business model unravel, as country after country bans the cultivation of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) – a synthetic crop cultivation technology that’s been shown scientifically to harm humans, animals and the environment.

European Union (E.U.) standards currently allow certain GMOs to be cultivated within the borders of member countries, but a majority of these member countries have chosen to “opt out” of the program altogether, due to concerns about both safety and necessity, according to reports. And if things keep moving in this direction throughout Europe, there’s a good chance it will spill over into U.S. GMO policy as well.’

Read more: Global consensus weighing against GMOs as majority of EU nations ban GMO cultivation

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