LA Times Upends NY Times, and Obama, on California Terror

The Dec. 11 New York Times‘ blatant denial, for Obama, of the Paris-San Bernardino-ISIS connection, was contradicted by a Los Angeles Times article on the same day, which accessed FBI and other government sources below Obama.

Several Federal investigators who remained anonymous told the LA Times that the still-expanding investigation into the San Bernardino terrorist mass murder attack is moving toward finding outside coordination or possibly control of the husband-and-wife terrorists. The article gives the context of the terrorist attack at Fort Hood in 2009, and the aborted attack on a Texas cartoonists’ meeting this year; in both cases the “homegrown” terrorists were given direct orders to carry out the killings, by Al-Qaeda’s Al-Awlaki and ISIS’ Muhammad Miski respectively.

FBI Director James Comey testified that the San Bernardino killers were radicalized separately — in Saudi Arabia and in California — long before they met each other, and that both of them pledged allegiance to ISIS on the day of the murders, but “‘Somebody had to put these two people together,’ said one FBI source. ‘It’s a big world for them to just find each other.'”

The LA Times continues, “‘At the least they were inspired to do this,’ said one federal law enforcement official. ‘At the worst, they were not only told to do something, but got help. We’re working toward the worst.‘ Said another, ‘This could end up either way. But,’ the source added, ‘it’s likely we’ll find some other hands involved, some way.'” [emphasis added]

The paper’s sources also indicated the investigation is likely to be a long one, and could take “weeks or months” to establish the operation. It remains to be seen whether it will be allowed by the White House to continue on the necessary scale, or blocked by more pre-emptive, false statements from Obama that “the homeland” is safe from ISIS’ reach.

In Saudi Arabia, according to the Tribune Newspapers, the monarchy has forbidden all media from interviewing relatives or acquaintances of Tashfeen Malik, the terrorist wife. 

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