‘Let police on the beat carry guns’: 58% of Britons back arming officers to tackle terror

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‘Britons want thousands of armed police deployed on the streets to protect against a terror attack.

A poll has found that 58 per cent believe officers should be routinely armed, a move which would radically change the face of British policing.

The BMG Research results, which exclude “don’t knows”, showed that 42 per cent were against ditching the long-held tradition of beat officers not carrying guns.

More worryingly, two thirds of the public voicing a view believe the police and security forces are not sufficiently ready to respond to a Paris-style attack in London or another part of the UK. This stark finding was almost double the 34 per cent who think they are.’

Read more: ‘Let police on the beat carry guns’: 58% of Britons back arming officers to tackle terror

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