Libertarian Guerrillas

Think of a huge, bureaucratic military occupying a country. They march hither and yon on the plains, doing their daily damage. Though their every move burns vast sums of money, they seem undefeatable.

But in the hills above are the guerrillas—fast moving, striking snd retreating before the occupiers can even react, and driving them crazy in the bargain. Their morale declines like their efficacy. Just a few irregulars can hold down a vast number of regular troops, physically and emotionally.

All the guerrillas need is the support of enough good people.

Of course, libertarians do not advocate violence, unlike our enemies. LRC is a guerrilla force for freedom, in the ongoing war of ideas. Our force is small but fast, and able to preoccupy and outrage oligarchs and other statists, neocons and other destructionists, welfarites and other PC’ers, imperialists and other war-lovers, egalitarians and other leftists, Keynesians and other paper-moneyites, socialists and other enemies of the free market. With us stand all the great thinkers of freedom, past and present.

Why does LRC succeed? Because tyranny is based on lies, and  benefits from the suppression of truth. And in their hearts, they know they’re wrong. Good people, on the other hand, want the truth. They thirst for it, and are repelled and disgusted by deceit.

If only the opponents of LRC can be stopped from silencing us, we can continue to do good, and gain influence, here and around the world. Especially with young people who reject the left-wing narcissism they’re supposed to adopt.

Please, make the most generous donation you can.

Warmest regards, Lew

PS: Don’t let the bad guys put a gag on LRC. You can make the difference.

Please Donate

The post Libertarian Guerrillas appeared first on LewRockwell.

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