Lies, Corruption, and Junk Science

Every five years, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) releases updated dietary guidelines that are designed to shape the way Americans look at food and nutrition. The purpose of these recommendations is to promote health, prevent chronic disease, and help people maintain a healthy weight. National nutrition policies and dietary programs for schools and the elderly are formed based on these guidelines. If you’ve followed these updates, you’re probably aware that only a few minor changes have been made each revision. And each time, these dietary guidelines appear to miss the point when it comes to proper nutrition. While some of the guidelines are helpful, the USDA is still giving outdated nutrition advice that is unfortunately affecting the health and wellbeing of the country.

2015 USDA Dietary Guidelines: Summary

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans is a national guideline updated every 5 years by the USDA in an effort to communicate the latest scientific understanding of food and nutrition. The guide receives its fair share of criticism, however, especially from independent parties who have very little to no conflict of interest. For example, the USDA continues to put in its guidelines that Americans should reduce their intake of saturated fats, even though numerous studies have shown that plant-based saturated fat (like lauric acid from coconut oil) may actually exert a protective effect on health. Just like most advice the government tends to give in regards to nutrition, it tends to be somewhat behind the times.

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