Look Out Ladies: Soon Women Will Have To Sign Up For The Draft


‘Last week the Pentagon made a landmark decision in regards to gender equality. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter announced that the military will now open all jobs to women, beginning in April of 2016. Despite widespread criticism against the military for selling out to political correctness, and concerns that women will hinder unit cohesion on the battlefield, women will now be allowed to work in explicit combat roles.

This decision also has implications for the selective service system. If women are now allowed to do all the jobs that men have traditionally done, including the infantry and special forces, will they now be subject to the draft? White House spokesman Josh Earnest seems to think it’s a possibility. “We’re going to work with Congress to look at that analysis, to review it, to get others’ opinions and determine if additional reforms or changes are necessary in light of this decision.”’

Read more: Look Out Ladies: Soon Women Will Have To Sign Up For The Draft

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