Mass Killings – False Flagging – Fearmongering – Police State

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‘Mass killings are everywhere.

When they hit westerners in small-scale, like the US, Egypt (downed Russian airliner), Lebanon, France, and Mali, murdering 14, 224, 50, 130 and 27 – mostly white people – they are blown out of proportion by media hype and by immediately associating them with links to Jihadist terrorists.

Nobody asks who may be behind these terrorists.

While mass killings large-scale, like in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Libya – and many more nations, carried out by western NATO powers, remain largely unreported and are just part of the new normal, the eternal profit-making war on terror.’

Read more: Mass Killings – False Flagging – Fearmongering – Police State

The post Mass Killings – False Flagging – Fearmongering – Police State appeared first on David Icke.

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