New York Times Cowers in Fear of Obama and Covers for San Bernardino Terrorist Attack

The New York Times shamelessly gave cover to President Barack Obama’s latest Big Lie, claiming that the San Bernardino terrorist attack was not a replay of the Paris armed, blind terror attack of Nov. 13.  The Times devoted the lead front-page story in Saturday’s edition to a fractured fairy tale account of the San Bernardino terrorist couple, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, by focusing on Farook’s childhood friend, now a key government witness, Enrique Marquez.

The Times went to great length to portray Marquez and Farook as losers who engaged in wild fantasies and drunken bar tales about terrorist plots.  The Times‘ profile of Marquez quoted him talking about sleeper cells all over the United States, but dismissed the claims as bar talk which no one took seriously.  Marquez has admitted to Federal authorities that he purchased two rifles for Farook, which were both used in the San Bernardino attacks, and he claims that he and Farook were planning a terrorist attack in 2012, but backed out after the FBI busted a local group of Arabs in a sting around a similar terror plot.

The Times interviewed patrons at a local bar where Marquez worked and socialized, all intended to bury the actual leads on terrorist ties by portraying Marquez and Farook as “average Joes” who gave no actual clues about their activities or plans. The Times failed to note that the Sept. 11 hijackers, including ringleader Mohammed Atta, cultivated similar profiles in the months leading up to the attacks.

In discussion with colleagues on Saturday, Lyndon LaRouche blasted the New York Times for engaging in a flagrant fraud, clearly demanded by the Obama White House. Federal government sources have confirmed that Obama immediately ordered the FBI to downplay the San Bernardino incident, by denying it was linked in any way to the Nov. 13 Paris attacks, or that Farook and Malik had any ties to ISIS or any other foreign terrorist networks. This, despite the fact that Farook traveled to Saudi Arabia to arrange the marriage to Malik long after he had been radicalized and more than a year after he purchased the two rifles.

LaRouche noted that Obama still conducts his Tuesday kill sessions, and has already targeted New York Times reporters, including James Risen, who reported on whistleblowers inside the U.S. intelligence community.  “Obama is a killer and the people at the New York Times are clearly terrified of Obama and are now acting under Obama threats and orders.”

LaRouche emphasized that the character of the Paris attacks and the San Bernardino attacks was the same.  In both instances, there were blind terror targets, heavy weapons and plans for a mass kill/suicide mission.  The Times story failed to remind readers that Farook and Malik had assembled 20 pipe bombs and had thousands of rounds of ammunition.  They carefully destroyed electronic evidence that might lead to accomplices before launching the attack.  Malik had attended a notorious Saudi Wahhabi run madrassa in Pakistan, and had been inculcated with that neo-Salafist ideology over a long period of time.

The New York Times, which three years ago had exposed Obama’s kill lists and Tuesday sessions, has been turned into a dishrag out of fear of Obama retribution.

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