Obama’s Backing for ISIS Led to San Bernardino

Lyndon LaRouche yesterday berated President Barack Obama for his open support for the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda and the more recent Islamic State.  Obama refused to keep his promise to the 9/11 families and release the 28 pages that would reveal the depth of the Saudi involvement in the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.  As the result, Saudi Wahhabism, the “father” of the jihadist movement, has proliferated under this U.S. protective umbrella.  Obama issued secret executive orders promoting the Muslim Brotherhood as the “progressive Islamic” force in the Middle East/North Africa region.  He adopted Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan as his closest ally among all foreign leaders, and he most recently gave his blessing to Erdogan for the shooting down of the Russian Su-24 over the Turkish-Syrian border.

In all of these actions, President Obama has shown himself to be a tool of the British.  He is in the same camp as Erdogan’s Muslim Brotherhood regime in Turkey, and the Saudi Monarchy. This is the apparatus that has created, nurtured and protected ISIS and the earlier al-Qaeda.  This is precisely what Gen. Michael Flynn, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency has been saying in public venues all over the world:  It was not an “oversight” that Obama’s actions fueled the rise of the Islamic State.  It was willful policy.  Now, with the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, the reality of Obama’s perfidy should be clear to all sane Americans.

As Charles Hurt put it bluntly, on Dec. 1 in the Washington Times, it is now time to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove Obama from office post haste.  “Someone alert the Senate president pro tempore.  Somebody call the Speaker of the House. And let’s all dust off the 25th Amendment.”

On Sunday night, President Obama once again demonstrated his deteriorated mental state, by appearing on national television with nothing to say about the San Bernardino attack, other than that he refused to make the obvious admission:  That it was part of the new ISIS blind terror campaign, that began with the suicide bombings in Beirut, the bombing of the Russian Metrojet Flight 9268 over Sinai, and the Nov. 13 Paris massacres.

Obama is operating as a British agent, just like his Turkish ally Erdogan and the Saudi Royal Family.  The deployment of more American troops into Iraq, announced last week by Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, is qualitatively different.  These are Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) hunter-killer teams that were deployed in Afghanistan and only fueled the expansion of terrorism.  200 JSOC killers will be deployed in Iraq, with no coordination with the Iraq Army or the government in Baghdad. There will be no intelligence sharing, and they will be simply running amok.  Iraq’s Prime Minister Haider Abadi has already denounced the deployment as an invasion of Iraq’s sovereignty. And three days after the Carter announcement, a battalion of Turkish troops invaded the Mosul region in north Iraq, ostensibly as part of a rotation of Turkish trainers of the Kurds.  But a well-placed U.S. military source warned that the Turkish troops are a vanguard for a much larger planned force to be sent into Iraq, uninvited, to back up Kurdish Peshmerga fighters in an effort to retake Mosul. In effect, this will be tantamount to the breakup of Iraq, and it could be a lot worse.

In addition to the Iraq actions, the Syrian government charged on Monday, Dec. 7, that U.S. missiles had struck a Syrian Army base in the center of the country and that three soldiers were killed in the incident.

Every aspect of the U.S. and Turkish actions in Iraq and Syria are aimed, not against ally ISIS, but against Russia.  Paul Craig Roberts, in his latest column, noted that the U.S., the U.K., and other European nations deploying fighter planes into the Iraq-Syria theater are equipping them with air-to-air missiles that have no application to the Islamic State and other jihadists, which have no air force.  They are clearly aimed against Russia.

Ted Postol, the MIT scientist who formerly was an advisor the U.S. Chief of Naval Operations, in a lengthy interview with RT, warned that U.S. actions under the Obama Administration have driven the world close to thermonuclear war. While he fudges on the issue of Obama’s willful role as a British agent in provoking such a war, he nevertheless makes clear that the U.S. and NATO have been the provocateurs, at every turn, since NATO expansion and the ABM deployment began, forcing Russia to respond from the standpoint that they are being targeted, and that some lunatics in the U.S. are once again promoting the idea that the West can fight and win a thermonuclear war with Russia.

This madness can be stopped by only one action, and that action is now being debated widely:  Invoke the 25th Amendment and get Obama out of office immediately.

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