Political correctness is really just herd psychology pushed by insecure people who desperately seek social conformity

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‘Thanks to the hilarious emergence of an entire new vocabulary of P.C. victimization and whining — based on brain-warping concepts like “microaggressions” and “safe spaces” — the very nature of P.C. is now being scrutinized by more and more people.

What is P.C., exactly? And why is it so insidious? How can we fight back against it?

Today I encountered a brilliant essay that answers those questions. Not surprisingly, I found it on Mises.org, a libertarian website that ranks among my favorite sites for informed education on economics and finance.

So here’s the full essay by Jeff Deist. It’s from the Nov-Dec 2015 issue of The Austrian:’

Read more: Political correctness is really just herd psychology pushed by insecure people who desperately seek social conformity

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