Quit Worrying

I’d venture to say most preppers have squirreled away a few seeds for the future, whether it be one of those apocalyptic sealed cans containing 50,000 varieties of lettuce or just a dozen packets tucked into a cabinet “just in case.”

The problem: if things really did collapse, most of us don’t know how to get those seeds to grow into plants that will actually produce honest-to-goodness food for the table.

Most folks are still at the “I bought a pepper and it died” phase, not the “I got 100lbs of potatoes from one of my beds last week” stage.

Bags of rice and wheat eventually run out. MREs do too (thankfully). Yet if you’re able to convert part of your lawn into a garden and have the confidence and skill to grow a good chunk of your family’s diet in that garden, you’re in better long-term shape than the guy with 1500lbs of pintos stuffed beneath his bed.Many people have told me they “tried gardening but were bad at it” or that they just have “brown thumbs.” Sorry, that’s a lousy excuse. There’s no such thing as a brown thumb: there are just people who stick to it and people who don’t. Quit coming up with excuses and don’t give up. Plant, plant, plant. If something dies, plant something else. You learn through experience. There are really only three things a plant needs to thrive: water, sunlight and nutrients. Keep your gardens watered, plant them in good sunlight and keep the soil fed and most of the work is done.

The “brown thumbs” I’ve met are generally just undisciplined individuals. If you want to get fit—work out. If you want to get rich – keep hustling. If you want to grow your own food—get out there and garden.

Now is the time to start planning and planting. Not tomorrow. Not next year. And most definitely not after a crash.

Your tin of seeds isn’t a magic talisman that will save your life. It’s your experience that will save you.

The post Quit Worrying appeared first on LewRockwell.

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