Radio Gamma5 Interviews Liliana Gorini on the Glass-Steagall Mobilization

Today Liliana Gorini, chairwoman of Movisol, LaRouche’s movement in Italy, was interviewed by Radio Gamma5 about the international mobilization of the LaRouche movement for Glass-Steagall and against the theft of the bail-in European legislation coming into effect Jan. 1st. Gorini emphasized that what happened to the Italian four banks and the suicidal pensioner in Civitavecchia will repeat itself all over Europe after Jan. 1st, “unless the various Glass-Steagall bills introduced to the U.S. Congress, the Italian Parliament, the Swedish, Swiss, Belgian, Austrian and Finnish Parliament are approved in the next days and weeks,” and briefed the listeners on the international mobilization of the LaRouche movement over Christmas and New Year’s.

She answered many listeners’ questions who called in to ask on how to “safeguard our savings, putting them under the mattress?” “Do it yourself solutions are useless” she answered. “We are in the middle of a crash which is worse than the one of 2008, as even the German magazine Manager Magazin admits, and only Glass-Steagall will solve the problem.” Another listener asked “shouldn’t speculators go to jail?” and she replied quoting the statement of LaRouche from few days ago saying precisely that “bankers who plan bail-in should go to jail,” and called for a new Pecora Commission also in Italy. LaRouche’s statement was published also by the Italian online daily Imola Oggi and viewed by more than 4,000 people in a few hours. At the end of the interview, Gorini reminded listeners that on Jan. 1st two different worlds open up: it’s either chaos and starvation with the bail-in, or it’s cooperation for development projects with the AIIB being inaugurated. “Which world do you choose?” she asked, demanding from listeners to bombard their parliamentarians with emails demanding that they approve the six Glass-Steagall bills which have been stuck at the Finance Committee for two years.

Movisol also held two demonstrations for Glass-Steagall in Bologna, on Christmas Eve and on Dec. 28th, distributing LaRouche’s Emergency Message. On Christmas Eve the message was sent to all members of Parliament, city councilmen and economists who had introduced Glass-Steagall bills or resolutions, and many of them responded expressing their absolute agreement with LaRouche’s analysis, “it’s either Glass-Steagall or chaos starting Jan. 1st.”

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