San Bernardino Killings Unleash Wave of Right-Wing Fear-Mongering, Islamophobia and War Fever

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‘This weekend, America’s right wing, from the 2016 GOP candidates to its media echo chambers on cable TV, online and talk radio, have unleashed what may be their most hate-filled, fear-based, war-mongering fusillade since 9/11.

A former GOP congressman taunted U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch to arrest him after threatening American Muslims on air; is encouraging people to shoot the Saturday edition of the New York Times for its editorial calling for a ban on all militarized weapons and then post the image online. Such attacks are just the tip of this latest rage-filled response. Ex-New York Gov. George Pataki, a going-nowhere GOP 2016 candidate, also called for “war on radical Islam” and taunted Lynch. Fox News is berating moderate Muslims to “fix this,” while other right-wingers mock their spokesmen.’

Read more: San Bernardino Killings Unleash Wave of Right-Wing Fear-Mongering, Islamophobia and War Fever

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