Simon Danczuk – Warmongering Hypocrite


‘Back in the day, when he was a mere Parliamentary candidate, Rochdale’s nominally Labour MP Simon Danczuk was aghast at the way in which some serving and former politicians had no problem advocating for military action, without regard for the inevitable death and destruction visited upon civilian populations. But now he has the opportunity to put the boot into Jeremy Corbyn, and so all is miraculously changed.

When Israel launched strikes against Gaza in early 2009, Danczuk was unequivocal in condemning his Labour predecessor: “Mr Danczuk … criticised Rochdale’s former Labour MP, Lorna Fitzsimmons, who, in her capacity as chief executive of Britain Israel Research and Communications Centre, has been a vociferous advocate for the Israeli invasion … ‘Her comments on television are not helpful,’ he said. ‘She sounds nothing more than a feverish warmonger’”. He could not have put that more plainly.’

Read more: Simon Danczuk – Warmongering Hypocrite

The post Simon Danczuk – Warmongering Hypocrite appeared first on David Icke.

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