Slash Your Risk of Stroke

A stroke is defined as the sudden death of brain cells caused by inadequate blood flow to the brain. It is estimated that there are between 40,000 and 50,000 stokes in Canada every year. Sadly, 16,000 of those unfortunate individuals are not lucky enough to survive the stroke; making stroke-related deaths far more numerous than heart attack and atherosclerosis related deaths combined!

The Stroke and Cardiovascular Health Connection

Most of us are aware that our overall cardiovascular health plays an important role in determining our heart attack risk, but did you know it also contributes greatly to your stroke risk? How you may ask? Well, many strokes occur because a buildup of deposits causes your artery walls to harden, and this reduces your body’s ability to deliver blood to your brain. Some other strokes occur because of a blockage of arteries within the brain. The most common

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